In the last issue, I asked you to define success for yourself. I hope you did. If you didn't, think about it right now. What does success really mean to you? Why do you want it? What would it mean to you to have it? Answer those questions and you'll be well on your way to having a lot more of it in your life... starting right now. If I had to say what the number one most important attribute that successful people have, it's their attitude, their outlook, their view of themselves, their future, their lives. All outrageously successful people have a WHATEVER IT TAKES mindset. They don't make excuses. They don't let obstacles block or stop them. They don't let little things distract them. They are forward thinkers. They are focused on what they want and where they're going, not on what they don't want and where they've been. As the old saying goes, "When the going gets tough, they get tougher." They are driven, single-minded, determined to get the results they want. And they take immediate action, consistent action and they don't stop until they reach their destination. So, if you don't have the success you want, there's a reason. And the first place you should look is inside. Your attitude is solely, completely, without a doubt, 100% up to you. You have complete control over it. You are in charge of it at all times. Your circumstances don't dictate how you should think or feel and what you should do or don't do. Your attitude does. Think of it this way. If I brought you to the water and I held you down under the water, I'm sure you would do WHATEVER IT TAKES to stay alive. That begs this question. Are you willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES in your own life or business to have the lifestyle and the success you say you want? If your answer is NO, what does that tell you? Why would you say NO to yourself and to your dreams? The answer to that (if you're willing to dig and find it) will set you free from so many self-imposed limitations, obstacles, blocks and barriers and set you on an immediate course to achieving all that you desire. If you don't answer the question and you don't have what you want (but you've been complaining about it), do yourself the favor and stop. It makes no sense to complain about something which you refuse to do anything to solve. If your answer is YES, then I suggest that you immediately grab a pen or a keyboard or a voice recorder and start dictating your future. Don't censor yourself. Just imagine the future you desire and see it in full color and watch it unfold before your eyes. You're already way ahead in the game if you have a WHATEVER IT TAKES ATTITUDE. It will make achieving the things you want a whole lot easier and a lot more fun too. So that’s it for this issue. May you be blessed beyond belief and may all that you wish for be the least that you get.
Your Success Right Now (Issue 2)
About This Contributor
Darshan Shanti