Is there anyone alive that hasn't heard about the power of positive energy? Even though many people know all about it, only few truly believe in it. Perhaps some feel that it's just not possible for them given their circumstances. It's far from the case; you could be a rich man, but still have a negative attitude. The opposite also holds true; you could be the poorest man on earth and have a better attitude than most. One would have to assume that positive energy has been around since the origin of the universe, so if it exists, perhaps there must be negative too. Does negative thinking stem from early childhood? We are not pointing the finger at any parenting skills out there because so many other factors come into play. Nowadays some parents hardly get the time to spend quality time with their kids; some may even need a photo to recognize their own kid. Households are working harder for less money and of course single parents are already stretched fairly far as it is. It's important that parents focus on teaching positive behavior to their kids, it begins at home. It's important to instill positive energy into your kids; teach them they don't need to envy what others have whether it's a big mansion, fancy cars or material possessions. They should focus positively on attracting whatever they desire; remind them that money does not buy happiness. Teach them how to surround themselves with positive minded people who truly care about them. We can cite all the famous rich people that seemed to have the wrong people around them so much that they never found true happiness. Of course there's Mr. Madoff himself, if he surrounded himself with a positive energy field, perhaps he would have realized sooner or later that maybe gambling away people's lifetime earnings may not be the best strategy. As you are reading this now, don't allow any automatic negative thoughts to deter you. Truly believe that positive energy can improve the quality of your life. Even if you think that your work environment is simply too negative, whether it's your boss or your co-workers, believe in the power of positive energy. No matter how bad your situation is, positive energy will make a difference. Hopefully you are not the one bringing negative energy vibes. Imagine a universe where one strand of positive energy can defeat ten negative ones. No matter who tries to bring you down in anyway, just take whatever negative energy comes your way and train your brain to automatically find a positive. You will be amazed how well it works.
Believe in the Power of Positive Energy
About This Contributor
Henry Okwo