Physicists, over the past few decades, have focused on the make up of all and everything in the Universe. Some hypothesize multiple dimensions, some too large for us to see and some too small, all happening at once. Deepak Chopra says, "there is a vernal pool of everything that all is made of, awaiting our desires, to begin the process of creation." It is all a wondrous miracle, more than our human minds could ever grasp, no matter how close we think we are to figuring it all out, the Universe and how it all works is still beyond comprehension.

There are basic laws at work though, that mystics, prophets, kabbalists, philosophers, rabbis and scientists have discovered and taught about for thousands of years. What is it that we do know for sure you ask?

The power of a thought and the laws of Cause and Effect.

No thing, nothing, happens without a thought first. Could it be that we are a thought? Well, I am no scientist and this I know for sure. Nothing in my life has manifested without a thought. Positive or negative... sometime, at some point, I thought about it. So how do we proactively begin creating in our own lives? Picture it first.

Spend time, five minutes each morning, visualizing what you desire. Feel what it would feel like when it manifests, fully picture the people, places and things... and forget how it will happen. Imagine it first. Picture that vernal pool of energy getting into action, responding to your deepest desires, just like we respond to the deepest desires of loved ones.

Next comes the Cause and Effect part. Act as if, what you have imagined, has already happened, gratefully. Fill your body with awe and anticipation of its eventual manifestation. Forget time and how... they are not your job. Next, take a step in the direction of your dream... as Henry David Thoreau once said, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler."

Have fun... what's the worst that could happen if you spend some time imagining your deepest desires manifesting?

Let go of any burdens, they too are thoughts... instead... dream big, dig deep and allow yourself a miracle, after all, who deserves it more?

Having fun and gratefully yours,

P.S. I love my Kathyann... my greatest manifestation!