Now I know for some this certainly may be different, but for me in looking at the spectrum of days across an entire year, the one that stands out as the most amazing for me, other than my anniversary and the birth of my daughter, without fail is…Thanksgiving.

Other holidays throughout the year have candy or gifts or activities that make them unique and memorable for a variety of reasons, but Thanksgiving is about reflection, contemplation and expression that connects us to those we love and care for in our life without the obligation of gifting them, but rather thanking them for being a “gift” to us.

Yes, I know for some the eating of a greatly prepared meal and a TV football game or two with family or friends defines Thanksgiving, but for me it is more.

And maybe this Thanksgiving might be a just a little bit more for you too.

May I suggest a few thoughts to consider for the pending holiday…

Take time in the day before all the festivities and prior to the proverbial expected nap, to sit and reflect and maybe even write down what you are truly thankful for. Go beyond just family and friends, but the circumstances as well that have happened in your life. For some, it may be difficult to find many things to list, but may I gently suggest in the challenges you have been facing this year, are there things that you have and might take for granted that you can be truly thankful for having. That neighbor who takes care of things for you when you are away without asking. The warmth of a home to come home to every day. The freedom to go wherever you want whenever you want. The ability to pursue a dream and see it become a reality. And on and on…So much that we accept daily but may forget that thanks is warranted for all that we do receive even in the midst of adversity.

Do you have teachers, mentors, supporters, encouragers, speakers, leaders, family and friends that have been with you this year to help you celebrate the good times and help you through the bad times?

Are there people where you work or who work with you that make what you do possible each day?

What about those people who cross your path that bring a bit of joy and happiness to your day…the person at your favorite coffee shop, the mechanic who fixes your car, the paper delivery person who ensures you receive the paper on time each day, the neighborhood kid who takes care of your lawn with being asked to do it and on and on.

I’ll bet your list is growing bigger now. You see how this day becomes so much more than food and football.

To quote Albert Schwietzer…

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.

To each and everyone that may read this, I wish to say “Thank you”. You have helped make dreams become realities for me. You have believed in someone to help prove that anything is possible. Your support has guided the path of an adventurer that can’t wait for what comes next.

It is my hope that you might feel the same way or seek a deeper understanding and meaning for this holiday that may truly make it your most wonderful day of the year.

Blessings to you and yours – Happy Thanksgiving!!!