Are you standing at the cross roads of life wondering where you are suppose to go?  Confused about even what your vision is?  Is it truly possible to go from a lost soul to become a visionary leader?  As the New Year approaches, are you wanting to develop a simple, clear, and “doable” plan of action to create the reality you desire — your vision for 2012?

Here is the key to creating that plan of action — you have to know what your authentic path in life is and does it align with your visions for the future.  Whenever I am asked about discovering what your authentic path in life is, I think of two profound statements that the visionary Steve Jobs shared.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads off the well-worn path.  And that will make all the difference.

Why do these matter?  For me personally, I have discovered that the first statement is absolute soul truth.  Having battled cancer, having lost my dad to cancer, and many other forks in the road, it is absolutely soul truth, for me, that our time is limited here in this physical reality.  Every moment is sacred and not to be wasted.  The second statement for me is soul truth as so many times I see a bigger picture and wonder “am I crazy” to even attempt.  The statement reminds me that I don’t have to have anything but belief that one day all the dots will make sense.

Okay, so where do you start.

All things begin within
When is the last time you asked yourself what you wanted to do in life rather than what is expected of you to do?  Returning to your core soul being to discover what your soul desires begins by spending a few minutes a day contemplating and gifting yourself permission to ask.  Reconnecting with your own soul begins the journey back to your Authentic self and vision for the future.

Roar Like a Lion
You asked yourself what you wanted, now it is time to ask those around you.  Time to let them know what you need and want in life.  You have an inner light within you that is flickering, it is time to let it shine.  As you discover your authentic self, many times you begin to realize that your inner beam of light is just waiting for you to become.  This may mean that you have to let go of things that are holding you back.

Connection Game
Here is the kicker — the hardest step for many.  You have connected with your inner self — your authentic being, you have asked those around you for what you need and let go of the things that don’t serve you, now you have to be connected with your self.  Huh?  Many times we illuminate what our inner authentic self says is the plan, got the support and we are ready to step out into the spotlight — yikes, the brakes go on and we dig our heels in.  Are we really ready?  The ego and fear settle in.  We are use to the old self that played along with what everyone else believed we should do — this new authentic self is unsure of being the lion.  This is essential to spend the time to connect with our self psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Action or Reaction
The next step is simple — it is a choice.  Making the choice to just do it.  To step out into the light and shine.  The key here is to become a sacred witness rather than a sponge.  What this really means is simply observe what happens around you as you stand in the light, don’t absorb it and internalize it.  Your creating the desired reality of your vision depends upon it.

Expanding to Receive Abundance
Expanding energy allows for abundance — abundance in every area of life.  When you expand, it comes with “being” okay with emptiness and with silence.  It is within this emptiness that the expansion actually opens your energy up to receiving abundance.  You are neither absorbing the lack of “anything” nor the fear of “lacking”; but are open to the possibilities.  This silence is the action of “being” present — present in the moment.  Every moment is sacred and has the expansiveness of possibilities.  The present is where all power lies.  The silence is where the strength and faith exist to “be” your authentic self.

A Circle Vehicle
Everything is circular, the silence brings you back to asking yourself what it is that you really want.  That sacred moment of opportunity.  That sacred moment of discovery, of birthing, and of choice.  Though it may seem as you walk the circle you are simply spinning your wheels, the truth may be that you become the wheel and that wheel becomes your vehicle to move down the path that creates your vision.

This circular walk is the beginning to creating a visionary plan for 2012.  With each step, spend five minutes a day writing what you desire, what you let go of, and how you connected with yourself or the sacredness of the moment.  Five minutes to gift yourself the practice of honoring yourself.

After practicing this for a week, shift to what your vision of the future looks like and ask what do you need to let go of to be in this vision, what do you need to connect with and what does the sacred moment look like when you are standing in the brilliance of your own light.  Forget about how you are going to get there, how the money or prosperity will come, and focus on what does it look like, how do you feel, what do you hear type of sensations.

The next week, return to asking yourself what do you want to do and begin the circle again.  The wheel becomes a vehicle to move into the vision of your authentic self.

*Originally written for Here Women Talk