Flourishing in business and life is going to require a new path. Business as usual is no longer working and for good reason. If you look at the last decade, you will likely see the pattern of greed and corruption that has created devastation in world markets.

Piles of debt, irresponsible lending, and people not using their gifts and talents, but instead working “hard for the money” is leaving people disengaged and burnt out from their jobs and businesses. This way old way of business as usual that did not engage the heart is a destructive path; a “heartless mind” is no way to live.

We are now called upon to reinvent our selves and the most expedite way is to rewire the way that we see ourselves relative to each other and the world at large. Our ecosystems — including our societies — are way out of balance.

If we are the “cells” of the body of the earth, it’s no wonder the system is dis-eased. The way we treat ourselves is a microcosm of the way we are treating the earth; and the cycle continues. We don’t provide the balance of rest, creation (creativity) and nutrition that our bodies require. We have also not taken very good care of our planet earth. Traveling through life in “darkness”, which is another way of saying ignorance, can keep us stumbling and falling down.

Our times are shining the light on this in more ways than one. Things that used to be said in secret are often showing up on video and audio files. Inauthenticity is easier to expose than ever. Of course, much of this chaos stems from lack of clarity around “who we think we are” and the belief in competition and lack. Zero sum gain is a paradigm; it is not just “the way life is”.

We can also create a more abundant paradigm that is not manipulative and fear based. We are interconnected, as is all of life. The first level of relationship is with our own self. We are forgotten who we are and are so far away from our true potential, I believe it is just time to wake up. We need new business models as well as personal life balancing. Work/life balance is taking on a whole new meaning as people struggle to keep up with the hamster wheel nightmare that we’ve all created.

Self-awareness is the “light” that we need now in order to become aware of a new pathway.

This is true innovation. It is not about looking backwards and simply trying to retrofit the old into the new. While we can use bits and pieces of wisdom gleaned over time, much of the model of greed, selfishness, corruption and poor quality of service needs to be upgraded and now we are beginning to be forced to do what could have been done without so much trauma. Be it as it may, better late than never; here are 4 C.O.R.E. keys to begin to put your foot on the path to better health, wealth and relationships:

1. C — Courage — courage is required as fear is epidemic. Yet the vast majority of F.E.A.R. is “Fictitious Evidence Affecting Reality”. Learn the difference as it can really make a difference in the quality of your life.

2. O — Open Mind — If you want to walk the new path, you will have to give up the illusion that what you now know is “right”. Right and wrong are relative judgments. Times change. Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting. If that is fine with you, then all is well.

3. R — Reflection — You will have to stop all that “doing” and slow down long enough to contemplate where you want to go — “Why” you want to go and allow space to listen to your intuitive mind to put together the how. “How” is often not what you “think” it is. Also the clearer you are, the easier you will find your highest level of “how”.

4. E — Enthusiasm — The root words, “en theos” is found within enthusiasm and means, “God or Divine within”. This is the joy that is at our core. When we come at life from a place of gratitude, appreciation and joy, we are more likely to not only find, but also stay on the “Illumined Path”.

The more self-aware you become by learning how to “retrain your brain” for more clarity, confidence and peace of mind, the better off you will be in business and in life. A self-aware, adaptable leader is the inspiration for a team with the same qualities. This is the formula that leads to flourishing, instead of a Band-Aid approach that is not sustainable.