Self Sabotage Test Take my test and check which apply to you. 1. __________I worry about appearing stupid so I don’t ask questions. 2. __________I want to be perfect and if I am not I feel worthless. 3. __________I get distracted easily and have trouble focusing on what is important to me. 4. __________I get moody and irritable often. 5. __________I waste time on unproductive things. 6. __________I hang around people who discourage my thoughts and ideas and put me down. 7. __________I spend a lot of my time involved with other people’s goals, challenges or problems. 8. __________I miss opportunities to reach my potential because I procrastinate. 9. __________I seem to usually expect the worst. 10. __________I often say, “I don’t feel up to it when in reality, I probably could do what is necessary. 11. __________I find myself wishing I was someone else. 12. __________I am impulsive when I really want something and do things I shouldn’t sometimes to get it. 13. _________I have gotten myself in trouble by acting like I know something when I don’t. 14. _________I struggle with taking criticism, even from people that are close. 15. _________I feel like my life is out of control. Total number of statements checked: ______ 0-2: You are probably not sabotaging yourself. 3-5: You are doing some things that could be negative anchors but you can easily turn things around. 6-11: You are creating some stumbling blocks for happiness and success in your life. The Valeo Method will be huge help for you. 12-15: Serious concerns! You are really on a course of increasing challenges. It is urgent that you make an effort to learn new and empowering ways to change your course. The Valeo Method offers many tools for transformation and change that can help you! Copyright© 2011 by Dr. Benny Morris