fear of failure is keeping you from taking the next step in your speaking business,
here’s how to bulldoze it out of your way:
1. Label the fear and define it. First and foremost, you have to clearly label
the specific fear you’re experiencing. Is it a fear of success, a fear of
failure, a fear of the unknown, etc. Once you know what it is, you can do
something about it. Next, define the fear. If you were to look it up in a dictionary,
what would the definition be?
2. Say what that fear means to you. In other words, what are you thinking the
negative consequences of acting on your fear are going to be? For example, if
you are afraid to ask for a higher fee because you don't want to be turned
down, what do you tell yourself about you? Do you say, "I'm not good enough,"
"I'm not cut out to make a lot of money," etc. Spend some time on this, because
this is where the healing begins. It's these things that you told yourself that
are the foundation of all fear. Recognize them and you’ll set yourself free.
These are the things you don't want the world to see. These are the things that
stop you from moving ahead. This is your core negative self-image.
3. Establish the origin of your fear. Once you know the nature of your fear, how
you define it and what you make it mean about you, you now need to understand
how it started in order to be able to take control of it. The things you told
yourself when you were young are the beliefs that run your life right now.
Think back to the earliest memories you have of being rejected and write them
down along with all the memories you can recall from school, from interactions
with your friends, your family, your teachers, your significant others,
co-workers etc. The point is that you have to get to the core. When you deal
with a problem at its core, it doesn't come back anymore. When you stop running
from it, it will stop running you.
4. Examine what is painful and what is pleasurable and reverse them. People are
all motivated by avoiding pain or by gaining pleasure. So, if you have failed
repeatedly and are about to give up, look what your life will be like 20 years
from now if you let failure win. The key is to create a great deal of pain in
the present by looking to your future and seeing what you won’t have if you let
fear stop you now. If the pain of you not reaching your dreams far outweighs
the pain of the temporary defeat you just experienced, you’ll continue on your
path to success. If not, you’ll stay where you are.
Ask yourself this, "What will the pain be if I don’t do this thing that I'm
afraid to do?" Don't ask yourself, "What will the pain be if I do this thing
I'm afraid to do?" The first question gets you to take action — the second
question stops you.
In order to do this, first, write down the costs of being stopped by these
fears. There are untold costs in terms of your money, your joy, your
satisfaction, and your freedom. To find those costs, ask yourself these questions.
How much money would you have made? How much happiness, joy, and satisfaction
did you miss out on? Have you not gone for a dream? Have you held back in your
relationships? Have you settled for a career that you don't really like? Did
you stop reaching out? Did you stop taking chances? Did you hold back from taking
advantage of opportunities? Then write down the payoffs you get by keeping the
fear in place. We all do things because we get something out of it. What are you
getting out of it? Don't say, "Nothing." You are getting something(s) positive
or else you wouldn’t keep doing it. People use their fear as an excuse to not
be successful. If you didn’t have fear, what would you do? You could do
anything. But that hits you right back in face because if your belief is that
you're not good enough, you really couldn't do anything. Why? What if you
failed? What if you let people down? Your core negative self-image won't allow
you to get very far from it. That's why people repeat so many of the same
patterns over and over and over and nothing ever seems to change.
5. Reevaluate the meanings of your fear and develop a Thomas Edison philosophy.
That is, reframe how you look at failure.
6. Take total responsibility for all the goodness that you are. The moment you
take full responsibility for your greatness and magnificence, and love yourself
unconditionally, then start living your life from that place, without
exception. That's when you will end all internal struggles, stop fearing
failure, rejection and once and for all, live the life you were born to live
and have the success that you've always wanted. When you see yourself as
priceless, not worthless, fear disappears because you are no longer afraid of
what people think of you.
7. Take a risk. Do something you have been afraid to do. When you do the thing
you've feared, you will discover that it wasn't such a big deal after all. And when
you face the fear, it will disappear. At that point, you'll wonder why you were
scared in the first place. It's the avoidance of the fear that keeps making it
bigger. Bottom line: Fear is BS. It's just a survival mechanism. It's not real.
You're better
than your fear.
You now have everything you need within you to be incredibly successful. Just
believe, value, respect, honor and trust yourself. And pay no attention to the negative.
Focus on what you want, know that you deserve it, believe you can have it, and
soon it will all start to arrive.
Darshan G. Shanti is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc., and a revolutionary
and innovative personal and professional development company. Shanti is a
professional ontologist, facilitator, speaker, transformational trainer and
author. He has trained extensively in personal development for two decades and
has worked with over 30,000 people. Contact him at darshan@ foreverfreetobe.com
or visit his Web site at www.foreverfreetobe.com.